Driver Passenger Chat


What problem were we solving?

😢 Customer problem

Free Now drivers / riders who need to contact each other are required to do so outside their respective apps via call or text message. This experience is neither convenient, reliable nor safe.

📉 Business problem

Free Now uses a phone masking service to protect the privacy of both parties. The business incurs a significant cost, as the third party service provider charges for each call / text.

How did we better understand this problem?

🗣 Analysis of passenger app reviews

We conducted an in-depth analysis of app store reviews of FREE NOW passengers.

🧐 Surveys

We sent surveys to both drivers and passengers to better understand pain points around communication. Here are notable insights from the driver survey:

🕵️ Competitor data

We analysed other ride hailing apps throughout the world, to understand the impact a chat feature had on their business and user base. Notable insights:

How did we solve this problem?

 ⬆️ Define initial entry points

To better align the cross-functional team, I defined the happy path of the driver experience.

I then ideated on several entry points where we could introduce this new chat feature. Here is an initial suggested entry point, when the driver accepts a new ride and is ready to start navigation.

✍️ Design refinement

Once entry points were defined, I began to ideate on various design approaches for each instance. One of the most critical was incoming messages while drivers were on their way to pickup a passenger.

To better explain the context of this moment, here is a live photo of a Free Now driver I recently interviewed:

In these moments, the driver’s cognitive bandwidth is considerably low, as he’s managing five different interfaces:

Within the Free Now app itself, there are a number of existing elements the driver is constantly scanning - from the turn-by-turn banner, to the map, to the bottom sheet displaying time and distance to the pickup point.

How should an incoming message live amongst a cognitively demanding environment and within an application containing so much vital information?

My initial proposal to the team was to centralise the experience around audio and voice. There is so much visual noise in the driver’s reality, why add to this? Why not have the app read the message, and allow the driver to use voice to reply? Not only was this the most usable approach, it was the safest. Unfortunately tech constraints didn’t allow this for the MVP.

If we had to rely on visual information, an initial decision I pondered was if it should live inside an existing info container or within a new container. The former approach was constricting, and felt forced. For these reasons I decided on the latter.

My initial idea was to create a chat bubble (akin to what you’d see in an iMessage screen) overlayed on top of the map. I decided to create a card, as it would better accommodate pre-defined messages, and allow various options for intractability.

The screen felt busy and information overloaded. I re-evaluated with the team where we could possibly make visual sacrifices. We concluded that the map and turn-by-turn banners were ‘need to haves’, while the bottom sheet was a ‘nice to have’.

So I decided the incoming message card could sit on top of the bottom sheet, as it was more urgent and important in that moment. I also made several refinements, making the card more simple and visually cleaner.

🚕 Usability test

I created a prototype and worked with 2 UX researchers to strategise and carry out interviews and usability testing. Here an example screen of the driver receiving a message on approach to the passenger.

Most of the tasks we asked drivers to carry out were done successfully. However the interaction of the incoming message card caused confusion. The card required an up swipe to expand, and down swipe to dismiss, which weren’t intuitive. I then created two new variations:

Option 1 would ensure the driver consumed the message as they would be required to tap on a cross to dismiss the card. Yet this would compromise safety, and might be annoying having to dismiss multiple messages in a ride.

Option 2 would ensure safety, as no interaction would be needed to dismiss the card. It also created space to neatly include a chevron, which would make the ‘tap to expand’ interaction more understandable. However, we had concerns the message wouldn’t be consumed before it was dismissed after X seconds.

In the end I deferred to one of our team’s design principle (Driver Safety), to decide on Option 2. Here are the final screens of the chat feature:

🚀 Launch

After making a few design refinements based on feedback from the usability test, I created handover files for the development team. The feature was launched four months later. Results since the launch: